Claretian Missionaries


Youth & Vocation


Today the Ministry of youth and vocation is one of the important ministry. We have the team of YVM in our organism. In vocation promotion the collaborative efforts of every individual member of our organism is the key point to make this ministry more effective and fruitful. We have divided the ministry at region level where in one special person, in the locality who initiates along with the Vocation in-charge, is appointed to intensify the process, although all members of each community are part of the ministry. We also participate in inter diocesan vocation camps, organize youth day in parishes and encourage the youth to come and experience our way of life. We have students in our formation communities and other congregations from our mission stations and parishes.

For the vocation promotion, every committee member is allotted with different regions of India. Along with this all the parish priests and other members are also asked to get involved in this ministry. Since we work in different dioceses, we, too, make use of the personal resources from dioceses and other religious personals in special occasions. Collaborative mode of functioning really helps us to be more creative and very much effective. We encourage the young people in Christian formation by arranging Bible quiz, seminars, competitions and celebrating the Claret feast together, and arranging the vocation camp for the youth who wants to join in the seminary.

We also organize different spiritual programmes which helps them to grow spiritually. Programmes on social, psychological and carrier helps them to choose their carrier and life-choices rightly. We, too, have outreach programmes through which we visit different social centres and parishes. The pilgrimage and the visit important Christian places also Youth meetings are organized in the parishes. They are closely accompanied in Christian faith. In all the church& congregational feasts our youth play a greater role in organizing and animating different activities. The implementation of five-year plans helps us to guide the youth more effectively. Some of the tools we have taken in our hands to deal with the youth are Conducting meetings& cultural programmes and organizing seminars. In the formation we give soulful accompaniment in many ways as per the formative plans of our congregation. In spite of all this good planning and verities of activities the new challenges continue to creep in. But God’s mission never takes any break. With the same zeal of our founder St Antony Mary Claret the mission continues.

Your brother in Christ
Fr. Telesphor Aind, CMF
