Claretian Missionaries




The Prefecture of Spirituality is animated by the Major Superior. The specific objective chosen for the triennium (2018-21) is “Growing and maturing in Claretian spirituality focusing on Christ-centredness, transformative reading of the Word, Eucharistic awareness, Cordi-Marian tenderness with a contemplative gaze into the realities of life and societies.

Its goal is to guide each member of the Delegation to drink from the depth of the Claretian Spirituality so that he is continuously nourished to walk to the peripheries of our missions to share the same nourishment with the impoverished.

The prefecture organizes the materials for monthly recollections done in the zonal level and annual retreats in two batches. The prefect sends spiritual messages on important liturgical feast days to each member and communities. He keeps the Delegation in touch with the General Prefect of Spirituality and forwards his writings, exhortations, and bulletin to each member and the communities.

The prefecture arranges courses and seminars on Claretian Spirituality in particular finds opportunities for the members to attend the spiritual renewal programs organized in Spain. It organizes congregational celebrations like jubilees and anniversaries. It also looks after the Digha Model family get-together once in triennium.

Your Brother in Christ

Fr. V. Antony Bhyju, CMF
