Claretian Missionaries



Prayers for the Intercession of Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Lord, Our God,
You who chose Saint Anthony Mary Claret
To be Founder of our Family,
And made him who, burning in love,
Should suffer calumnies and torments;
Grant us, courage, that
We remain faithful to his teachings,
Proclaim Your glory throughout the world,
And seek always with Your help
The salvation of all people.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.


Prayer to St. Claret

Lord, Our God,
Who gave to Saint Anthony Mary Claret
A burning and humble love for the Blessed Sacrament
And the Immaculate Heart of Mary
So that he would undertake in the Church of God
Great wonders for Your glory
And the salvation of souls:
Obtain for us that,
Burning in imitation of Him
In the same holy love
And continuing with the greatest effectiveness
His evangelizing work,
May we deserve to live and die in the Congregation
As worthy Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


To Continue His Work

You who made Saint Anthony Mary Claret, our Father,
A zealous Apostle for the glory of God and the salvation of men,
Grant us the ardent love that burned in his heart
So that we may continue with intensity and effectiveness
His apostolic work.
May yours sons multiply
To spread the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
So that in the moment of our death
We may be worthy to be known as “faithful servants” of Christ and the Gospel.


Apostolic Prayer of St.Claret

O My God and my Father!
May I know you and make you known.
May I love you and make you loved.
May I serve you and make you served.
May I praise you and make all creatures praise you.
My Father, grant that all sinners may be converted,
All the just persevere in grace,
And all of us attain eternal glory.


Prayer for vocation

Lord Jesus Christ, who said:
“Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest,”
We humbly beg you to deign to send them into our Congregation.
Infuse your Spirit into those you have chosen
And strengthen them in their vocation,
That they may proclaim your holy Gospel worthily and fruitfully.
May you call us, and may we truly be,
Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
May we love you with all our heart, in every word and action,
And never cease to praise you.


For Renewal of the Claretian Spirit

O Lord, renew in our Congregation
The spirit that animated St. Anthony Mary Claret, our Father,
So that, filled and invigorated by it,
We may be strengthened to love what he loved
And to put into practice what he taught us.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Offering to the Heart of Mary

O Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother,
I entrust myself to your maternal love
That you may make me a missionary
In the image and likeness of your Son, sent by the Father,
To proclaim the Good News to the poor.
Teach me to believe, love and serve like you.
Make me generous and grateful
So that I may joyfully live
The gift of my missionary vocation.


Dedication to the Heart of Mary

Mother of the Lord, Heart of Mary!
You who presided as Foundress
Over the founding of our Congregation,
Always be our inspiration
And the heart of our Congregation,
So necessary for contemplation and for new dreams.
In this world, so loved by the Father,
And so beset by unbelief and injustice,
Speak for us and testify through our lives
To the message of the kingdom.
Mother of the Lord,
Pray that the Spirit, who impels us toward a new world,
Will come to us.
Mother, with your Heart
Pray for us! Intercede for us!.

