Claretian Missionaries


Join Us


Being a Claretian Missionary is our concrete way of being men, Christians and consecrated persons. We follow Jesus in a community of disciples in the style of the Apostles, just as how St. Anthony Mary Claret, our founder and father, dreamed of it. We dedicate ourselves to the missionary service of the Word, preaching the Good News of Jesus by all possible means.

The Claretian vocation is a personal call through which God moves us internally to adhere more and more to the project of Jesus: to make God known, loved, served and praised by all his creatures. The vocational call is an invitation that in some way moves us, mobilizes us, makes us go out to meet others, particularly those most in need, at the same time that it leads us to deepen our friendship with God and our ecclesial communion.

The personal predisposition to let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit and the filial surrender to the Heart of Mary will shape us in the missionary follow-up of Jesus, and in the personal choices we make when choosing how to live our Claretian vocation – as priests, brothers or permanent deacons.

To be part of the Congregation, it is necessary to carry forward a double discernment that is both personal and communal. It is personal because God calls each of us personally in the situation in which we allow ourselves to be found by Him. It is communal because the Congregation receives people in their interior, accompanies them in their process of growth and maturity, and chooses them as their own. after a process of serious vocational discernment.
Some prerequisites and attitudes are necessary to undertake vocational discernment in the Claretian Congregation:
  • That you are at least 17 years old.
  • You are a Christian and have received the sacraments of initiation – baptism, communion, confirmation.
  • You have faith and live your Catholic faith in the church.
  • You are attracted to Jesus and his Gospel.
  • You are attracted to the missionary life.
  • You are attracted to community life.
  • You are attracted to our Congregation and your lifestyle.
  • You are willing to be guided and accompanied in your personal discernment.
  • Honest with yourself and with others in your plans and discernment.
  • Have a harmonious affection, according to the option you want to embrace life.
  • You are physically and mentally healthy.
  • You are willing to begin a process of clarification and vocational discernment with one of the Claretian Missionaries dedicated to this ministry.
The answer depends on you. We are willing to offer you a personal accompaniment that will help you clarify your initial vocational experience so that you can discover more and more of yourself and what God asks of you, as well as the life and mission of our Congregation.
The Claretian mission is a way of life. That is why the period of time spent is irrelevant. What is more important is the quality of the experiences and the personal processes that are carried out and are processed in the discernment. We want all things to be immediate. But we must remember that following Jesus is a lifetime journey. And although, the initial formation depends on each person and the situation in which he is in, a good vocational discernment can last between six months and two years.
Please write to this address: and you will be contacted by the Claretian responsible for the vocational accompaniment of our organism where you are. We will wait for you! Do not be afraid!


Minor Seminary

Minor SeminaryThe beginners enter the Minor Seminary usually after their completion of high school or intermediate studies. The initial three years are a time to get used to the Claretian way of Life little by little. Students are accompanied and encouraged to get used to a new situation and be happy in a new setting, away from their families and blood relatives. They slowly get inserted into the big Claretian family. There is a set Formation programme followed at this stage and students are very closely accompanied. In their late teens students need the emotional support and encouraging presence of the formators. They are helped and assisted to cultivate personal, human values. Formative programs: Personal guidance and Counselling are aimed at giving a firm spiritual foundation to their Lives. Claretian Constitutions says, the fundamental objective of formation consist of following Jesus Christ the missionary until we become conformed to Him. In our Formation following Christ as set forth in the Gospels is our supreme Rule. (CC. No. 4). Our minor seminary is located at Claret Vidya Niketan, Nayasarai, Ranchi.


After three years of Minor Seminary they advance to the stage of Philosophy and three years of graduation. This is also a period of intense academic activities. They attempt to absorb philosophical knowledge. They are trained in rational analysis and critical thinking. A period of intellectual growth, they learn to form their own world views at this stage. At philosophy they learn both synthetic Eastern approach and knowledge along with the analytic critical thinking of the western philosophy. This period, precisely the final year, is considered the stage of Postulancy, where students identify themselves on the threshold of their entry into a more serious Claretian Life. Our students are sent for Philosophy to Claret Bhavan, Karumathur, Tamil Nadu.


Join UsAfter the completion of Philosophy students get to the one year programme, called Novitiate. Today all Indian Claretians do their Novitiate at the picturesque, salubrious campus of Claret Bhavan, Carmelaram, Bangalore. Under the very personal and close guidance of the Novice Master students mature in religious and Claretian life. This is a year of intense prayer and centering. Without the pressures of serious academics students attempt to focus on their spiritual growth and personal maturation. With a Guru-Shisha relationship with the Novice master, the novices delve deeper into spiritual realms and personal growth. At the end of the year they make their First Profession which marks the formal membership in the congregation.


Following the Novitiate Programme, students go for a year of lived experience in a Claretian Mission. They for the first time are out of the environments of fairly big formation house and live in a mission house with lesser members and different ministries. The have a first hand experience of Claretian Mission and community life. Students assist the missionaries there in whatever capacity they can and gather rich experience and convictions. The superior of the House guides and accompanies him as a formator for the year. Imbibing the values of mission and ministry, this is the time to get rooted in Claretian life.


The last four years of their initial formation is the period of Theological studies. They pursue studies in different areas of theology and scripture. Intense study of Scripture, Liturgy Systematic Theology, Eucharist, Canon Law etc. are the feature of this period. While doing the academics students go to parishes and missions on Sundays for a close experience of Liturgical life with the faithful. During Holidays, periodically they have village exposure programmes in order to acquaint themselves with the living situations of the poor and ordinary people. During these years students are trained to master a third language in addition to English and one’s mother tongue. At the end of their third year students make their perpetual profession and at the beginning of the final year they are given diaconate after due examination and evaluation of their life.

Our Claretian Formation aims at assisting students to become spiritually rooted, academically capable, socially responsive and acquiring a zeal like our Father Founder. We envisage missionaries coming out of our Formation centres with a high degree of conformity with Christ and a burning zeal for God, His people and The Kingdom.


Join Claretian Missionaries

You can help us to identify young people who could be prospective missionaries and encourage them to follow the footsteps of the great missionary St. Anthony Mary Claret and proclaim the gospel anywhere in the world. Promote vocation to become a Claretian Missionary Priest or Brother.

Support Claretian Mission

You can be partners of our missionary activities by sponsoring the education of a child, financing the distribution of the Bible and many other ways. To coordinate the financial help from well-wishers and collaborators we have established the office of Mission Procura in the province.

Sponsor a Seminarian

Every family may not be able to offer a son at the service of the Church. But you can surely adopt a seminarian and be part of his journey to priesthood/ religious life in different ways. You can choose from the following options:
  • Spiritual accompaniment by adopting a seminarian.
  • Adopt a seminarian during his theological formation (last four years before ordination) bearing the complete expenses of his education.