Claretian Missionaries




JesusThe prefecture of Apostolate is at the center of the animation and co-ordination of the apostolic activities of the Delegation. The prefecture carries out his activities based on the action plan of the organism. The ministry of the word is exercised taking into accounts whatever is Urgent, Opportune and Effective. Hence the field of activity is not restricted to any one area but embraces the priorities of place and times such as mission among non-Christians, popular mission preaching in parishes, mass media, work for the marginalized, youth, children, family apostolate, services in pastoral, educational, social, health sectors etc.

Arms of the Prefecture of the Apostolate:

  1. Parish Ministry
  2. Educational Ministry
  3. SOMI:
    • Mission Procura
    • JPIC
    • CMF@UN
  4. Communication and Publication:
    • Book Centre and
    • Publication


We have six schools, four boys’ hostel and three girls’ hostel.

CIET (Claret Institute of Employment Training), is providing a study cum reference room facility for students at Lalpur, Ranchi.

Claret Institute of Vocational Training (CIVT) at Ghatshila is giving skill training to drop outs in the electrical, hospitality, computer streams.

We try our level best to train the youth through our institutions to be rooted in Christian values of Justice, peace and love of neighbor.


Youth WingWe have 13 parishes with different linguistic, cultural, socio-economic backgrounds among tribals like Santhals, Oraon and Daliths.

Each parish has parish council, catholic sabha, mahilasang, youth and children wings for the collaborative functioning of the community along with the Claretian personnel.


Mission Procure works for the development of the missions, by generating funds for welfare programs for the people like imparting awareness, knowledge on socio-economic-political issues and helping the needy through various projects.

There is a core committee for mission procure and the members are Frs. V. Lawrence, Raimund Tigga, P. Jini and Mr. Raja, the Mission Procure Assistant and it works on the projects. The committee comes together four times for meeting in a year to assess the ongoing projects and to discuss about the new ones according to the requirements of the delegation. The mission procure and his assistant make field visits for supervising the projects and to give training in collaboration with the local Claretian communities.

Your Brother in Christ

Fr. Anim Prakash Indwar, CMF
